Trigger tricks

Some mathematics tricks for ease

By admin at 1 July, 2008, 3:07 pm

If you are suffering pain using calculator for simple mathematics solutions. Then I hope tricks, I am listing here, really help you.
Check it out >>>
Multiply by Eleven(11)
The eleven times table has always been very easy to learn up to nine[(1 to 9) * 11]. Here’s a way of multiplying large numbers by 11 [...]


How to create folder without name?

By admin at 25 June, 2008, 4:08 pm

Do you wish to know some of the tricks regarding to computer? If your answer is “YES” then do not delay. Such tricks usually creates fun and you don’t know when it kills your time. Are you ready to grab it…Then let’s go
Trick 1.
Step 1. Create a new folder with [...]